Petrobras signed today (28) with Shell Brasil, Repsol Sinopec Brasil and Petrogal gas purchase and sale contracts for operations known as Swap. These contracts are widely used with the objective of reducing risks and providing more predictability for different market agents.
Through the contract, Petrobras processes the gas produced by these operators and, after this stage, the gas is again made available for the companies to transport to their customers, enabling their direct access to the market.
The contracts are the first in this modality and allow national producers to anticipate access to the market and enable the start of supply as of January 1, 2022. The initiative contributes to the opening of the Brazilian gas market.
In a statement, Petrobras informs that “it continues to adopt measures that contribute to the process of opening up the natural gas market, in line with the commitments assumed in the Termination Commitment Term signed with Cade [Conselho Administrativo de Defesa Econômica], with the purpose of achieving an open, competitive and sustainable market in Brazil”.