Petrobras announced today (10) that it will update the value of natural gas. The sale price for distributors will drop, on average, 11.1% per cubic meter, as of February 1st, as provided for in pipeline distribution contracts. The reduction is in relation to the value practiced in the November-December-January quarter.
According to the state-owned company, the contracts provide for quarterly updates and link the variation in the price of gas to fluctuations in Brent oil and the exchange rate.
“During this period, oil fell by 11.9%; and the exchange rate depreciated by 0.2% [isto é, a quantia em reais para se converter em um dólar aumentou 0,2%]. There was also, as provided for in the contracts entered into at the end of 2021 and effective from 01/01/2022 to 12/31/2025, a reduction in the pricing formula from 16.75% of Brent to 14.40% of Brent” , justified the company.
Final price
The price reduction for distributors, however, does not mean immediate transfer to the final consumer.
According to Petrobras, the final price of natural gas also depends on the supply portfolio of each distributor, the margins of the companies and the resale stations, in addition to federal and state taxes.
Consumer rates are also subject to approval by state regulatory agencies.
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