The organization Building Peace Societies, headed by leaders of the former PES, registered with the National Electoral Institute (INE) to seek to create a party called Building Solidarity and Peace, or Social Encounter Party (PES); The name will be defined in a National Assembly in 2026.
This registration occurred on January 8 before the Commission on Prerogatives and Political Parties of the INE. The person listed as legal representative is Armando González Escoto, who was president of the PES in Mexico City.
Flores: There are conditions to form a party
In interview with Political ExpansionHugo Eric Flores considered that the political conditions currently exist to form a national political party for the third time, as he assured that the PES is still in force, as well as its political cadres, among them Sasil de León, Daniel Andrade Zurutuza and Jorge Hank.
“There are completely different political conditions than there were before. The truth is that we have every opportunity to become a very important force because of what we represent, because of our political ideology. Our political cadres that we have had during this time are still valid,” he said.
”We are very confident that we are going to be successful. Today the opposition is too weak, citizens are looking for options and the PES option has always been in force,” said the politician.
(Photo: Mario Jasso/Cuartoscuro)
Furthermore, he asserted that although they now support the so-called Fourth Transformation, if they obtain registration as a national party, the political alliances will be with the people and not necessarily with parties.
“We are currently involved in the transformation project (of the 4T), but it is very important for us political leaders and who they support. We have been supporting political leadership from our political organization and from there we make decisions. Our alliances are with people and not with parties,” he mentioned.
The former federal official also confirmed that it will not be until next year when they define whether the party they seek to form will be called the Social Encounter Party (PES) or Building Solidarity and Peace.
He has lost registration twice.
The PES already has history in Mexican politics, having twice obtained registration as a political party at the national level, but has lost it by failing to obtain the necessary vote. Furthermore, it has been characterized by making an alliance with Morena, and now that it is extinct, its members have gone to the ruling party.
In 2014, under the name Encuentro Solidario, it obtained registration as a political party at the national level for the first time, but in 2018 it lost it by not obtaining the 3% of the vote at the national level required by the Constitution. On that occasion it reached only 2.78% of the vote cast in the presidential election; 2.43% in the election of senators, and 2.5% for that of deputies.
The second time it obtained registration was in September 2020, but now under the name of Partido Encuentro Solidario. However, in the 2021 elections he lost it again by failing to obtain the required vote. That time it reached 2.85% of the votes cast by deputies for both principles.
Only from 2015 to 2018, when it was called Encuentro Solidario, it obtained 981 million pesos for both campaign expenses and ordinary activities. In its second period, when it was called Partido Encuentro Solidario – which lasted less than two years – the INE gave it 162 million pesos, so, in total for the two periods, the party has received 1,144 million pesos.
Although it currently does not have national registration, its main members have not been left out of national politics, due to their alliance with Morena. Hugo Eric Flores, who was the president of this party, is now a legislator in the Chamber of Deputies.
The above, because the PES was together with the PT and Morena in the 2018 elections, when they took Andrés Manuel López Obrador as their presidential candidate.
Another leader that the PES had was César Hank Inzunza, who was the leader of the party in Baja California. The businessman and former candidate for governor of this entity, Jorge Hank, has also been in the ranks of this political force.
In addition, there are Eder López García, who was the leader of the party in Michoacán; José Humberto García Domínguez, who won the mayoralty of Huiramba, Michoacán with the PT-PES parties. Now the politician is part of the ranks of Morena.