The economy The Peruvian economy grew only 1.68% in August, its second lowest advance so far this year, after July with 1.41%, according to data from the National Institute of Statistics and Informatics (INEI).
In the eighth month, five sectors showed figures in the red, including Fishing (-14.75%), Financial and Insurance (-8.28), Mining and Hydrocarbons (-5.01%), Telecommunications (-2.75%) and Manufacturing (-0.77%).
The panorama of the category of accommodation and restaurants was different, which was the one with the best performance with an advance of 10.75%. Transport, storage, mail and courier also registered a good result with a growth of 8.46%.
Other sectors with figures in blue were Construction (5.62%), Agriculture (3.51%), Electricity, gas and water (3.43%), Public administration, defense and others (2.53%), Commerce (2.26%), and Services provided to companies (1.60%).
With the result of August 2022, the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Peru accumulates an advance of 3.02% so far this year, and 3.71% in 12 months.
A month ago, the Central Reserve Bank (BCR) lowered its projection for the GDP Peruvian, going from 3.1% to 3% for this year, and from 3.2% to 3% for 2023.