Despite the distance that claims to have Vladimir CerronGeneral Secretary of the Free Peru Political Party, of the Government of President peter castlethe influence that would exert on a good number of prefects and sub-prefects throughout the country would show another reality. According to the prediction of PL 2882/2022-CR, 42% of people who occupy these positions they are militants of the pencil party.
Of the 1,582 prefects and sub-prefects, 672 would be militants of Peru Libre. This would be related to the meetings held by the head of state —after completing its first year of management— with several of these authorities, who arrived and formed long lines in government palace to meet with the president.
Though it would not be the only party that has militants among the prefects and sub-prefects, there are also supporters of Alliance for Progressthe Nationalist party, We are Peru, People’s Action Y Together for Perubut none of these political forces would exceed 100 authorities.
In response to this, in mid-August the parliamentarian Patricia Chirinos of Avanza País sent a letter to the President of the Council of Ministers (PCM), Hannibal Torreswhat for explain the nature of the meetings between the prefects, sub-prefects and peter castle.
“Peru has the right to know with whom and for what Castillo meets behind the doors of the Palace. For this reason, I have asked the PCM for information on the issues discussed at the meeting held yesterday (August 15), late at night, by the president with the perfect and sub-prefects of the country, “he said through his Twitter account. .
In this line, the parliamentarian diana gonzales of Avanza País, current president of the Decentralization Commission of the Congress of the republic, presented a project to eliminate the position of prefect and sub-prefects considering that “the condition of first local authority is prior to the implementation of the decentralization process”, so it would no longer be necessary for them to be appointed by the Ministry of the Interior.
Meanwhile, next Wednesday, November 2, the prediction of Bill 2882/2022-CR will be debated, which proposes to eliminate the positions of regional prefects, provincial sub-prefects and district sub-prefects as designated political authorities in charge of the Ministry. This portfolio supported the work that these authorities have been carrying out at the national level.