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Peronists from all over the country celebrated Loyalty Day

Peronists from all over the country celebrated Loyalty Day

Currents. Photo: German Pomar

Militants and Peronist political leaders from all over the country supported this Monday the request for “unity” of the Front of All, during the celebrations they held in different parts of Argentina on the occasion of Loyalty Day, 77 years after the workers’ march to Plaza de Mayo to ask for the release of Juan Perón, on October 17, 1945, the founding date of the Justicialista movement.

The governor of Formosa, Gildo Insfrán, headed this Monday the act for Loyalty Day in the province, where he recalled that day in 1945, when “a large crowd of men and women recognized General Perón as the leader of the national movement and that would transform the country, bringing happiness to the people and greatness to the Homeland”.

In the ceremony that took place at the Cinquantenario Stadium in the Formosan capital, Insfrán maintained that, just like on that day, “we are proud of this feeling and we continue to firmly hoist the flags that Perón bequeathed us,” in the name of “the political sovereignty, economic independence and social justice”.

Insfrán also pointed out that the speeches of hate, despair and individualism of the right, “must be faced with unity, hope and solidarity.”

In the province of Corrientes, the central act was held at the house of the PJ with a tribute to former mayor and legislator Fabián Ríos, who died on October 4, and with the participation of the governor of Chaco, Jorge Capitanich, and the head of the Agency Federal Intelligence (AFI), Agustín Rossi.

“This is the day that the people rescue their leader imprisoned by the usual powerful and that day changes Argentine history forever, because October 17, 1945 marks a before and after,” said Capitanich and reminded Ríos as “an example for Argentine politics, who defended the interests of the people from active militancy and from positions.”

Mendoza Photo Ramiro Gmez
Mendoza. Photo: Ramiro Gomez

In turn, Rossi highlighted the “great political courage of Fabian Rios”, and lamented that “like Néstor Kirchner, they still had a lot to give to this Argentina and to this Peronism so attacked and disqualified by the right that wants to expel the workers of the political center of the country.

In Tucumán, the chief of staff, Juan Manzur, led the celebrations at the PJ headquarters with Governor Osvaldo Jaldo and assured that “United Peronism is a reality” in the province.

Meanwhile, different events were held in Salta, including the one called by the leadership of the provincial Justicialist Party at the Delmi Micro-stadium, in the capital, where the only speaker was the head of the Political Action Commission, Pablo Outes, coordinator of Link and Institutional Relations of the Provincial Government.

For their part, union sectors of the CTA, the CGT and the 62 Peronist Organizations met in the Evita square, in the city of Salta, to commemorate this date, together with leaders and “historical” militants of the PJ in Salta; and leaders of the Lerma Valley met in Parque Evita, in the city of Rosario de Lerma, 30 kilometers south of the provincial capital.

The PJ of Tierra del Fuego celebrated the date with two acts carried out in the cities of Ushuaia and Río Grande: in the provincial capital, the ceremony was held in the “Eva Perón” square located on Maipú Avenue, where the leader Ramón Barrenechea He highlighted the figure of “our driver and current president of the party, Mayor Walter Vuoto”, the highest reference of La Cámpora in the district, and called to continue fighting for “a much more just, free and sovereign Argentina”.

In Río Grande, the act took place in front of the bust of Eva Perón, where deputy Miriam Martínez, vice president of the Fuegian PJ, recalled “the working people who took to the streets” on that date, “and achieved the release of Perón and the subsequent call for elections.

In Jujuy, at the PJ sectional headquarters, Peronist authorities and militants held a “Peña Peronista for Loyalty Day”, where they expressed, “today more than ever, loyalty to our doctrine and ideals.”

Black River Photo Marcelo Ochoa
Black river. Photo: Marcelo Ochoa

The labor movement held an act at the headquarters of the Unión Obrera Metalúrgica, together with unions enrolled in the CGT Jujuy; and the youth met in the space called Casa Evita, also in the heart of the provincial capital.

The PJ of Neuquén discovered a sign indicating the Plaza Juan Domingo Perón, located in the Santa Genoveva neighborhood of the provincial capital, where the provincial deputy and councilor of the Neuquén PJ, Darío Peralta, expressed: “It is a pride for us as Peronists to inaugurate this billboard in the square that bears the name of Juan Domingo Perón, our leader.”

The activities in the Patagonian province began last night with a vigil at the “Casa Popular Jauretche”, in the city of Neuquén.

In San Luis, the enhancement of the bust of General Juan Domingo Perón took place in the center of the city and a play about the origins of the movement was performed at the headquarters of the Partido Justicialista.

The Mayor of the capital and President of the departmental council of Pueyrredón, Sergio Tamayo, and different leaders of the San Luis government participated, who in their speeches called for “imitating the example of unity to move forward and maintain the Peronist legacy in every corner of the homeland.”

In the province of Buenos Aires, 62 Peronist Organizations celebrated 77 years of Loyalty Day with an act in La Plata in which they raised the need for workers to occupy political spaces that allow them to “recover the banner of social justice” .

Cordoba Photo Laura Lescano
Cordova. Photo: Laura Lescano

And in the city of Mar del Plata, social movements, trade union centers and leaders of Justicialism marched through the streets of the center and stressed the need to defend unity.

The PJ of Catamarca commemorated the date in the ‘September 15’ square of the Pomán department, located about 160 kilometers from the provincial capital, where hundreds of PJ militants filled the streets to participate in the official act that began minutes after 8:00 p.m. The main speakers were the governor, Raúl Jalil, and the mayors Gustavo Saadi, Francisco Gordillo, and Susana Zenteno.

With a large gathering at the Monument of the Santiago-La Banda highway, the national senator and head of the PJ from Santiago, José Emilio Neder, said that “Peronism is a way of life”, in an act where floral offerings were placed at the foot of the monument to Juan Domingo Perón, and stressed that “the Peronism of Santiago is united, ordered and organized throughout the territory.”

“The essential conviction of Peronism tries to make the less wealthy social classes have an income distribution that allows them to achieve that equality of possibilities that leads to upward mobility. For this we have been fighting since 2005 in this project of provincial unity carried out by Gerardo Zamora”, Neder maintained.

Three important events were held in Córdoba, one of them at the headquarters of Luz y Fuerza, with local Kirchner leaders such as the national deputy Gabriela Estévez, the national deputy Eduardo Fernández, the leader Martín Fresneda and a large number of militants.

The “normalizing” CGT Córdoba held the first act in the morning, with trade unionist Pablo Chacón leading the festivities, and at the Smata headquarters in the afternoon the provincial trade unionism, with José Pihen at the head, held their meeting with Juan Monserrat (UEPC), who represent the dissident CGT.

The mayor of Río Gallegos, Pablo Grasso, called for former president Néstor Kirchner and vice president Cristina Kirchner to “keep the militancy flame alive” by leading the act at the local PJ headquarters in Santa Cruz, which was attended by of the journalist Diego Brancatelli.

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