Home South AmericaChile Permanent Family Contribution: how to consult with RUT if I collect today June 13 the $120 thousand pesos of the doubled March Bonus

Permanent Family Contribution: how to consult with RUT if I collect today June 13 the $120 thousand pesos of the doubled March Bonus

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The Doubled March Bonus, also known as Permanent Family Contribution, is an economic aid provided by the Government of Chile to support Chilean households in the midst of the economic crisis they are facing. This year, an additional payment of $60,000 was announced, doubling the original amount and reaching $120,000.

If you are wondering if you are eligible to receive this benefit and when the payment will be made, here we provide you with the necessary information. The payment of Bond Doubled March began at the end of March and you do not need to apply again if you have already received your first payment. All people who met the prerequisites will automatically receive the benefit.

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