▲ Yesterday it was the turn to hold district assemblies in the state of Mexico.Photo Javier Salinas
Roberto Garduno
Newspaper La Jornada
Monday, August 1, 2022, p. 3
At the conclusion yesterday of the disputed election process for Morena’s national advisers, in popular assemblies in Durango, Jalisco, Coahuila, Chihuahua, Nuevo León, Aguascalientes, San Luis Potosí, Guanajuato, Yucatán, Querétaro, Morelos and the state of Mexico, the leadership of that party assured that the incidents were provoked by people outside our movement
The icing party spread its position in a press release that reported a video of the morenista president, Mario Delgado, in Naucalpan, state of Mexico, in which he celebrated the great participation that the people of Mexico have had in the process of internal reorganization, which was a historic day
The man from Colima indicated that they observed full seats throughout the country
with an influx on Saturday between a million and a half and 2 million people, while this Sunday around a million more are expected to participate
He added that in the 20 entities where there were elections on Saturday, 345 voting centers were installed, of which only 11 had some type of incident. On Sunday there were 197 centers in 12 states.
Only Morena carries out this democratic, plural, inclusive and transparent exercise. In those places where irregularities have been detected, we are going to investigate and it is possible to cancel the voting in those districts. We are going to continue working to have a stronger, united and mobilized party that ensures that the Fourth Transformation continues.
the statement noted.
Videos with irregularities in the process circulated on social networks: brawls, burning ballots and carrying people. In Veracruz, a poll worker was surprised on Saturday writing the name of a candidate on the ballot, as revealed by the president of the board of directors of the Chamber of Deputies, Sergio Gutiérrez Luna, who pointed to the mayor of Minatitlán, Carmen. Medel.
In another report on the networks, deputy Jaime Pérez Bernabé was also observed leading a brawl with opponents in Nautla. In the images, a lady was observed indicating to three policemen that the legislator had attacked her, without any response from the authority.
Even among the most viewed complaints on networks was the one carried out by Elizabeth García Vilchis – in charge of the section Who is who in the lies of the week – and her husband, René Sánchez – general director of instruments and international affairs of the Legal Department of the Presidency–, on Saturday, when they were caught in Puebla, avoiding the long line to cast the vote:
–How are you René?, but the entrance is there, where all the people are formed and not here, carnal –he was questioned in a video.
“Yes, we formed here because of the child,” Sánchez replied.
–I think it’s rude of you that you go where the exit is, that you go in and make fun of the band, it’s not worth it! You can’t do this, come in and don’t care how party assemblies are organized – she reproached him harshly.
“I did it so that my son wouldn’t form,” was the explanation he gave.
“But your little guy wouldn’t have to come here.” You and your wife can take turns to take care of the child – the person who caught them in the trap insisted.
In the Palacio de los Combates de Durango, where the receiving table was organized yesterday, the doors were closed. Opponents of the candidates to become delegates to the National Congress in September claimed:
We are going to generate resistance to prevent the fraud orchestrated by Otniel García and Marina Vitela. We invite you, Moreno friends, because it is an announced fraud.