Within the framework of the International Women’s Day event, the Minister of Labor, Gloría Inés Ramírez, assured that the project of the pension reform It contemplates a bonus for women who have dedicated their lives to caring for their sons or daughters.
(Where will the money come from?: union objections to the pension reform).
“We are working on the strategy within the pension reform, known as a compensation system, which means that there is a consideration for women for each child raised, they will also have 50 weeks per child as compensation for care work unpaid labor that have historically penalized women”.
The proposal is being analyzed with the ministries of Financethe Ministry of Labor and the National Planning Department.
(The contradictions that the Petro government reforms could have).
Ramírez Ríos also specified that other benefits are in the labor reform and that paternity leave will be increased progressively until being able to enjoy 12 weeks, this would be in the year 2025. Both mothers and fathers will be able to distribute leave time flexibly.