President peter castle he again contradicted his campaign proposals. On this occasion, he promised to work on a bill that cut the salaries of senior civil servants such as ministers, congressmen and the presidential position.
These statements were made during the session of the Council of Ministers decentralizedin which he forgot the promise of give up his salary as president and in turn to the life pension through a rally he held on May 27, 2021 in the middle of the electoral race.
“I announce that we are going to work on a bill to see how officials, ministers, starting with the presidency of the republic, and our brother congressmen, get a salary reduction. to see how in one way or another we satisfy the needs of the country”, explained the president before the population of Huancayo.
YOU CAN SEE: Pedro Castillo was paid despite saying he would give up his salary as president
However, the president seems to have forgotten one of his campaign promises from a year ago. On that occasion, the then candidate for the Palace chair clarified that he would renounce the presidential and life salary to lead the destiny of the motherland with a teacher’s remuneration. These statements are far from the current situation since the charges for his work as President of the Executive add up to a total of 126,100 soles.
In July 2021 during a rally for Peru Libre, once elected, Castillo insisted on his intentions to collect a teacher’s salary and also first proposed reduce the salary of ministers and congressmen by half. Now he proposes the preparation of a bill that reduces these salaries, but does not specify how much or how.
On the reduction of presidential salary
The specialist in Public Management Juana Huaco García has previously indicated to this medium that a head of state such as Pedro Castillo you can give up your salary if it is a personal decision.
In the case of a salary reduction, it is more complicated, since the amount to be reduced has to be specified to Human Resources, but, after all, it is not impossible.