The President of the Republic, Pedro Castillo reported that the government will observe the norm passed by Congress and that modifies the formation of the Board of Directors of the National Superintendence of Higher University Education (Sunedu) by one similar to the failed National Assembly of Rectors (ANR).
On the other hand, on the last Wednesday, May 4, it was approved by a majority in Congress, with 107 votes in favor, eight against and two abstentions, the withdrawal of up to 4 UIT of the funds of the Private Pension System, a rule that around 8.2 million members and affiliates will be able to access. This seeks to help Peruvians affected by the pandemic.
In the field of primary education, from Monday, May 2, public and private schools began to teach classes in person with 100% total capacity. In addition to this, Tacna began the process of vaccination for the population older than 70 years with the fourth dose. As reported by the Regional Health Directorate (Diresa) of this region, immunosuppressed patients will also be inoculated.