The president of the Republic, peter castleleads —this Tuesday 21— the XVII Decentralized Council of Ministers in the city of Arequipa, a conclave of representatives of the Executive that has become its management seal and that is committed to listening and working on the priorities of the region it visits from the voice of its authorities and representatives. However, in parallel, leaders from various parts of the country raised their voices of protest in the event of breaches of agreements adopted in decentralized councils.
This discontent was expressed at a meeting held in government palace last Friday the 17th, where some 20 regional authorities were present, as members of the National Assembly of Regional Governments (ANGR)who expressed their discontent for the breach of the commitments assumed by the Executive in these decentralized councils.
As for the management of peter castle, 17 decentralized councils have been created, among which Moquegua, Huancavelica, Junín, Puno, Cusco, Vraem, Ucayali, Ica, Tumbes, Pasco, Huánuco, Amazonas, Loreto and Tacna stand out. Arequipa must be added to this list, where the meeting of state ministers is scheduled to take place and which will be attended by the head of state.
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Just to mention a few cases. In Moquegua, there is discontent with the announcement of the stoppage of the construction of the Moquegua-Omate-Arequipa highway. There was expectation in the region for the unblocking of the work and a commitment on the part of the Executive.
Meanwhile, in Cusco, they are still waiting the massification of Camisea gas so that it benefits the region. And, from Puno, they urge the president to comply with the agreements adopted on issues such as health, education, agriculture and energy.
Some people came to the outside of the Arequipa Coliseum to send their claims. Photo: Rodrigo Talavera/The Republic
XVII Decentralized Council of Ministers in Arequipa
This Tuesday the 21st, the Executive power will hold a new session of the XVII Decentralized Council of Ministers in the city of Arequipa, with the participation of the President of the Republic, peter castlealong with the premier, Aníbal Torres, and other ministers of state.
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There will also be the presence of the mayor of the Provincial Municipality of Arequipa, Omar Candiaand the regional governor of Arequipa, Kimmerlee Keily Gutierrez.
Prior to the development of the meetingthe head of the Office of the Ombudsman in Arequipa, Angel Maria Manriquecalled for this council not to be a “party table” event and rather to set dates for the objectives in order to solve priority issues such as the economic, food and health crisis.
“Hopefully there will be no speeches or messages without any technical support,” he emphasized.
Before the closure of Independencia Avenue, the vehicles were diverted. Photo: Rodrigo Talavera/The Republic
Aníbal Torres arrives in Arequipa for a session of the Decentralized Council of Ministers
The President of the Council of Ministers, Hannibal Torres, arrived this morning in the city of Arequipa to lead the decentralized session. The activity will take place at the Arequipa Coliseum, located on Independencia Avenue. He arrived with the vice president of the republic, Dina Boluarte. Both were received by military personnel.
Due to the activity Independencia Avenue was closed to vehicular traffic, which generated discomfort among drivers and passengerswho take this important avenue to move to their work and study centers.
Aníbal Torres arrived with Vice President Dina Boluarte. Photo: Twitter Council of Ministers
Participation of Dina Boluarte in the Council of Ministers
Another participation that also stood out in the XVII Decentralized Council of Ministers Its the Dina Boluarte, on whom a constitutional complaint process has been approved for having held the position of president in a private institution, despite being vice president of the Republic.