The president of the Republic, peter castlemet this Thursday, October 10, with the leadership of the Episcopal Conference, headed by Monsignor Miguel Cabrejos, in Jesús María.
“I thank the president of the Episcopal Conference, Monsignor Miguel Cabrejos, for maintaining an open and sincere dialogue, where democratic values prevailed, which are the pillars to strengthen governance and demonstrate that, with unity and respect, we can move forward”, the president wrote after the meeting.
Pedro Castillo went accompanied by the president of the Council of Ministers, Aníbal Torres, and other members of the Cabinet to the headquarters of this institution located in the district of Jesús María at approximately noon.
After about two hours of meeting behind closed doors, the authorities withdrew behind a police fence that was armed by members of the escorts, and in their respective official vehicles they left without offering statements.
According to sources from the Executive, the objective of the conversation was for Castillo and other representatives of the Executive to talk with Cabrejos and other members of the conference about current issues.
This appointment took place while the closing of the 60th edition of CADE Executives was taking place in Paracas, which Pedro Castillo did not attend, as did other heads of autonomous institutions such as the Judiciary and the Public Ministry.
“He is not going to go to CADE. He has a series of activities here in Lima and he considers that it is more important to attend to the social fields than to go to CADE all the way to Paracas”affirmed in Success the Minister of Labor and Employment Promotion, Alejandro Salas.