Pago por cheques genera ahorros a Estado, afirma Tesorero Nacional

Payment by checks generates savings for the State, says National Treasurer

The implementation of the check payment system for detect the “bottles” in the State has allowed the government to save some RD$86 million per month, affirmed yesterday the National Treasurer, Luis Rafael Delgado Sanchez.

He stated that in past governments there were people who entered the public payroll and they went to the United States and continued to charge with their identity card.

He gave as an example that “employees” were taken from the payrolls of the ministries of Public Health and Education. they get paid monthlybut they lived in New York.

The official was interviewed during the workshop “Induction and awareness of Sirite” within the framework of the presidential initiative Zero Bureaucracy, Efficient Government.

He specified that the execution of the check payment system seeks to detect the employees who were paid without giving “a coup” in the State.

He pointed out that this was not a setback, as critics have said, because payment has not been deleted by transfer system by the older system.

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“It was something provisional to purge the payroll of all the bottles they received without going to work in the government,” he said.

He stressed that the process of restructuring of the public payroll not yet finished in the Ministry of Education.

On the other hand, he said that to date they have incorporated 39 institutions with 410 services to the Treasury Revenue Collection System (Sirite) from a total of 311 entities.

He added that joining Sirite makes the functions of receiving, centralizing and registering the income received by public institutions more efficient.

He stressed that this model allows people to make payments for goods and services offered by state entities through the use of a credit or debit card, regardless of where the citizen is.

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