Adolfo Ferreiro, a political analyst and former senator, criticized through Radio La Unión the inaction of each of the State powers to curb violence linked to organized crime. He pointed out that Paraguay “is immersed in a structure of transnational organized crime.”
“The worrying thing is that nothing is being done. It is not spoken or, if it is spoken, it is done very superficially in an opportunistic way, making bad things flourish without any type of containment. So, if we don’t realize that we are going towards the destruction of society, of the country, of culture and towards the generation of more and more violence, we are very bad”, expressed Ferreiro.
In that sense, he regretted that drug prosecutor Marcelo Pecci had been assassinated “in Colombia for what he does here in Paraguay.” He indicated that it is further proof that our country “is immersed in a structure of transnational organized crime,” adding that Paraguay is already “Colombianizing itself as in the time of Pablo Escobar.” “The hired killer is just around the corner,” he asserted.