Pope Francis would have decided to dissolve the apostolic society, Christian Life Society (SCV, for its acronym in English), which was founded in Peru in 1971, due to serious complaints about abuses committed by its members. In statements to La República, journalist Paola Ugaz specified that this dissolution could seriously endanger the political career of the mayor of Lima, Rafael Lopez Aliaga and Opus Dei.
“If the Vatican’s decision is confirmed, it discredits the Sodalicio and all those who, for years, have wanted to hide the truth. An entire Peruvian political, financial and media elite will have to soak their beards if they do not want to be dragged by this decision of the Pope, so unusual. Los López Aliaga, ad hoc prosecutors like Patricia Benavidesthe most important law firms will have to give many explanations to Peruvians,” said Ugaz.
According to the InfoVaticana portal, this news would have been confirmed in the city of Aparecida, Brazil, where a meeting of the General Assembly is scheduled to take place starting Monday to elect a new superior of the Sodalitium. Ugaz mentions that if it is confirmed that Bertomeu would be in charge of supervising the process, the victims would trust in the commitment they have to the search for the truth.
“If what is said in Aparecida is confirmed, that Jordi Bertomeu would be the Commissioner appointed by the Pope to supervise the entire process, we would be dealing with a Vatican official on a special diplomatic mission who enjoys the full trust of the victims for his commitment to truth and justice. In addition to having suffered in silence in recent months the endless attacks of Giuliana Caccia, Ignacio Blanco and Alejandro Bermúdez, these have only increased Pope Francis’ esteem for him and his expertise. “This message was conveyed by Pope Francis himself to journalists Paola Ugaz, Pedro Salinas and Elise Allen when he met with them last December. The Pope’s commitment to Bertomeu is a commitment to the victims and a less corrupt Peru.” , declared the journalist.
Sodalicio de Vida Cristiana: the official document is expected to be signed and published
Sources from the Catholic Church have not confirmed anything yet, it is expected that the document will be signed and published so that there is a statement on the matter. According to sources consulted by this medium, it is ongoing. “The document referred to in the note published in InfoVaticana exists, but it still does not have the Pope’s signature. The strategy of the reactionary sector is to go ahead to delay the official decision,” they declared for La República.
Furthermore, as stated by the sources, Pope Francis is close to the Sodalite members, through Cardinal Gianfranco Ghirlanda and it was he who would have released this news in order for them to obtain important information for future decisions. However, the Digital Religion portal questions this. “If the leak is true and, as the ultra publication claims, attributable to a cardinal, we would have to ask him if he had permission from the Pope to do it. And if he didn’t have it, which seems most likely, why did he do it? What reasons led him to leak a possible papal decree?” the medium published.
La República contacted José Enrique Escardo, one of the first victims to publicly denounce the abuses of this community. “The version we have is that the Vatican contacted Commissioner Gianfranco Ghirlanda, who is overseeing the restructuring of the Sodalitium. The initial idea of the General Assembly was to approve new statutes, elect a new superior general and renew the leadership. However, it seems that the The Vatican informed Ghirlanda that the pope had already authorized the suppression of the Sodalitium, and he was the one who divulged the information,” he explained.