These bags are also distributed to households in the most vulnerable areas, which do not have the income to cover their basic food.
The Minister of Agricultural Development (Mida), Augusto Valderrama announced that as of this Thursday, January 27, the Panama Solidarity Program will restart in the form of distribution of bags of food through traceability in homes affected by Covid-19 .
“This program, which began in the country since the pandemic was declared, has been recognized internationally and by international organizations as one of the best in the world to guarantee peace and social stability in our country,” he emphasized.
Valderrama explained that with more than 9,000 volunteers at the level of this program, it has been possible for people, who due to traceability are confined to their homes, to have a bag of food that guarantees their basic food during this period.
He added that these bags are also distributed to households in the most vulnerable areas, which do not have the income to reach their basic food.
The head of Mida said that this program also supports national production, since national products are also purchased from national producers and companies to support economic reactivation.
For the correct and transparent operation of the program, the Operating Regulations approved by the Inter-institutional Commission of the Panama Solidario Program will continue to be applied.