The total number of people recovered from the disease amounts to 880,702, of which 2,321 are newly recovered today. 4,431 tests were applied for a positivity of 18.6%.
They continue to apply the tests at the national level. Photo:
This Monday afternoon, the Department of Epidemiology of the Minsa indicated that 904,355 accumulated cases of Covid-19 have been registered in Panama to date, of which 826 are new positive cases today. 1 Death is reported corresponding to the last 24 hours, but one (1) of previous date is updated for 8,325 accumulated deaths and a lethality that remains at 0.9%.
The total number of people recovered from the disease amounts to 880,702, of which 2,321 are newly recovered today. 4,431 tests were applied for a positivity of 18.6%.
Active cases total 15,328 throughout the country. 15,101 are in home isolation and 227 hospitalized. Those in isolation are divided into 15,082 at home and 19 in hotels. Those hospitalized are 194 Ward and 33 in ICU.
The districts with the highest number of positive cases today are: Bella Vista (Panama) with 39 cases; San Francisco (Panama) 37 cases; Juan Díaz (Panama) 32 cases; Ancón 31 cases and Rufina Alfaro with 28 cases.