On Tuesday, February 7, 2023, in the company of special guests, friends and the local media, the » Saapiens Museum” located in La Fontana, Parque Lefevre.
»Saapien Museum» it is a sanctuary, a temple. It is an oracle gestated, given birth and nursed from the bosom of the pandemic.
This museum is the creative eruption of Gustavo Saa, a veterinarian who, at the age of forty-four, heard the voice of a call. From that moment he was baptized and smeared with paint.
By her own decision she closes her eyes, plugs her ears and locks herself in her micro world to be able to concentrate on the design of that mysterious and magical voice.
When he is ten years old, as an initiated hero, he returns with this prophetic ensemble that is the “Saapien Museum”.
As of March 7 of this year, it will open its doors to welcome visitors, art lovers and the general public.