For the former Minister of the Ministry of Public Works (MOP), José Antonio Domínguez, the current management of this institution has shown an inability at the highest level, he also considers that both the president and the current minister, Rafael Sabonge, are responsible for How is the road structure of the country?
“It seems that there is a competition to see which country is more like the Moon, and I think that Panama wins, the minister has made sure that the Moon is a detail, Panama has more craters than the Moon itself, I consider that the responsibility not only does he fall into it (Sabonge), because the boss, in this case the president, is just as responsible as the subordinate”, he indicated.
Currently, the MOP is one of the ministries most questioned by the population due to the large number of damaged streets (hollows) at the national level that cause damage to vehicles, including the Pan-American highway, the main route to travel within the country.
For Domínguez, maintenance is paramount, but in our country it is not managed that way: “Since the Mentirelli government, asphalt roads have become more expensive than concrete roads because the business was on asphalt and that has no reason for being, concrete roads that are more durable, more resistant, should be the most expensive, the asphalt they are selling is extremely expensive, it is because of the negotiations that were made, when the road has a breakdown and it is made of asphalt and not The one you repair quickly deteriorates extremely quickly, the concrete one lasts a little longer”. Dominguez said