Georgina Saldierna and Enrique Mendez
Newspaper La Jornada
Wednesday, February 23, 2022, p. 9
The coordinators of the PAN and the PRD in the Chamber of Deputies, Jorge Romero and Luis Espinosa Cházaro, respectively, did not sign a statement by the Political Coordination Board that rejected the declarations of the Republican senator from Texas, Ted Cruz, and of any type of interventionism to the Mexican State
. In contrast, the coordinators of Morena and the Institutional Revolutionary (PRI), Labor (PT), Green Ecologist (PVEM) and Citizen Movement (MC) parties criticized the American’s statements.
The text, which was read from the Chamber’s rostrum and also published in the Parliamentary Gazetteonly bore the signatures of Ignacio Mier, Rubén Moreira, Alberto Anaya and Carlos Puente Salas, but not those of Romero and Espinosa.
Last week, Cruz told himself deeply concerned about the deepening of civil unrest in Mexico and the collapse of civil society
which has been considered an interference.