The candidate for the presidency of the Republic by the Pros, Pablo Marçal, asked voters today (19) to seek information about candidates “out of the political polarity” that, according to him, the country is facing. Marçal highlighted that his proposals will make the country more developed and technological.
“We are going to spread our messages through the streets of the country, because Brazilians need to know that there is an option outside this polarity”, he said. “Anyone who wants to exchange ideas with me, look at a Brazil that will be more developed and technological, come and find me on the streets of São Paulo,” he added.
Tomorrow, the candidate will carry out a “sticker” on the streets near the headquarters of his company, in the neighborhood of Alphaville, in Barueri (SP), in Greater São Paulo.
This morning, Marçal gave an interview to Rádio Metrópole FM, from Salvador; for the portal Isso é Agro, from Barueri; and for the National Focus portal. He had lunch with leaders and supporters and, in the afternoon, recorded videos for the campaign.