During January and August 2022, users of transport infrastructure filed 4,605 claims in the first instance before the concessionaire companies supervised by the Supervisory Body for Investment in Transport Infrastructure for Public Use (ositran), which meant a reduction of 9.6% compared to the same period in 2021.
The claim is the right to which any user has to demand the satisfaction of the fulfillment of the services that must be provided by the providers in the transport infrastructures for public use (ports, highways, airports, railways and the Lima Metro), under the Ositran competition.
According to the information reported by the entities, so far this year, 70.6% (3,256) of claims were registered for non-conformities with the services of Line 1 of the Lima Metro, 13.2% (608) for problems of airport services, 8.6% (398) due to problems related to the road network and 7.5% (346) referred to inconveniences in port infrastructure services.
Of the total claims filed by users of Line 1 of the Lima Metro, 40.2% (1,307) correspond to inconveniences with the billing or collection of the service, 39.3% (1,279) to information provided to the user and, 16.3% (530) to the quality and timely provision of the service.
In the case of airport infrastructure, the largest number of claims (21.4%) filed are linked to damages or losses to the detriment of users, likewise, in port infrastructures, the largest number of inconveniences corresponds to damages or losses to the detriment of users. users (47.4%) and in the road network, the largest record of claims (34.8%) is for billing or collection.
Ositrán reminds users that, if they are not satisfied with any service provided by public transport infrastructure providers, they can file their claim with the entity first and, if they do not agree with the answer, file the claim with the Regulator.
Where to file a claim
When the user of a transport infrastructure for public use has any inconvenience with the provision of the services provided by the providers, they can file their claim in the first instance with the company that provided the service.
Depending on the complexity of the case, the company has a maximum period of 30 days to resolve the claim. If the user is not satisfied with what has been resolved, they may go to the Ositrán through an appeal to resolve in the second and last instance.