Home Central americaNicaragua Ortega regime rushes cancellations of mining concessions and delivers new permits to Chinese companies

Ortega regime rushes cancellations of mining concessions and delivers new permits to Chinese companies

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Ortega regime rushes cancellations of mining concessions and delivers new permits to Chinese companies

Daniel Ortega’s regime is developing an accelerated campaign to cancel mining concessions to national and foreign companies and independent investors. Along these lines, he eliminated four other authorizations totaling more than 8 thousand hectares. In total, since the beginning of these disqualifications, more than 300 thousand hectares have been canceled in Nicaragua in the last eight months.

In the Official Gazette of June 17, the Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM) published four administrative resolutions ranging from 015/MEM-2024 to 018/MEM-2024 with which it considered the four concessions cancelled, arguing that these concessions are “inactive.”

Those affected are Empresa Minera Trimex, SA, which loses two mining exploration and exploitation rights in the Gloria lots, with 1,200.00 hectares, located in Matiguás, Matagalpa and Milagros, with 2,600 hectares, both located in Matagalpa.

Related news: The Ortega regime cancels four more mining concessions, now totaling 12 in less than a week, in the midst of a “mining piñata” for Chinese businessmen

Ricardo José González Moraga was also affected, whose permit for the LA ESPERANZA lot, of 1,428.80 hectares, located in Quilalí, Nueva Segovia, was canceled; and the Río Waspuk mining company. He is the one who had the right over the Waspuk Lot, published in the river of the same name in Waspam, Río Coco, eliminated.

Clearing the ground for the Chinese

Analysts have opined that the accelerated campaign of cancellations of mining concessions carried out by the dictatorship is a process of cleaning up mining exploitation rights and then giving them to businessmen from communist China, the new political and commercial partner of the Ortega-Murillo family.

Between October 2023 and June 2024, that is, in the last 9 months, the Ortega-Murillo dictatorship, through the MEM, has canceled more than 60 mining concessions totaling 317,943 hectares, in all the mining districts of the country. , including the two autonomous regions of the Caribbean Coast.

Related news: Ministry of Energy and Mines cancels 20 mining concessions totaling more than 140 thousand hectares

Along with the campaign to cancel mining exploitation rights, the MEM has also held a piñata to grant concessions to Chinese companies.

According to the monitoring carried out Article 66 On the issue of mining, the Nicaraguan dictatorship has granted only two companies with Chinese capital, mining exploitation permits on 47,810 hectares of Nicaraguan soil.

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