Home Central americaNicaragua Ortega-Murillo regime cancels 15 more NPOs, including the Nicaraguan Livestock Federation and six nuns

Ortega-Murillo regime cancels 15 more NPOs, including the Nicaraguan Livestock Federation and six nuns

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Ortega-Murillo regime cancels 15 more NPOs, including the Nicaraguan Livestock Federation and six nuns

The Ministry of the Interior of the Ortega-Murillo dictatorship canceled this Monday, June 24, 15 more Non-Profit Organizations (NPOs), including the Federation of Livestock Associations of Nicaragua (Faganic), six religious NGOs, as well as cultural entities , educational and community health.

According to the Ministry of the Interior, seven of the NPOs, whose legal status was cancelled, requested their dissolution, supposedly voluntarily, while the other eight lost their legal registration supposedly “for being in breach of their obligations, in accordance with the Laws that regulate them, hindering the control and surveillance of the General Directorate of Registration and Control of Non-Profit Organizations.

The organizations canceled, for alleged non-compliance with the laws, through Ministerial Agreement No. 32-2024-OSFL, published in the Official Gazette of this Monday, are: the Federation of Livestock Associations of Nicaragua (FAGANIC), with Legal personality since 1980.

In addition, the Nicaraguan Association of Tax and Fiscal Advisors (ANATF), legalized since 2006. This organization manages the Center for Tax, Administrative and Business Studies (CETAE).

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Also illegalized were the Ibero-American Institute of Study and Research (IBESI), registered as a non-profit organization since 2013. The Foundation Network of Evangelical Christian Churches Misioneros de Luz (RICEMIL), which received legal status in 2007, and the Club Deportivo Association America, registered since 2005.

Added to those banned for alleged non-compliance with the laws are the Association of Graphic and Visual Arts of Nicaragua (ASAGRAVIN), which existed since 1998, the Christian Association Torre Fuerte, Proverbio 18: 10 (ACRISTOFUERTE), registered in 2004 and the Foundation Christian Center for Praise and Family Restoration (CCARF), which had been registered as SFL in 2010.

According to the regime, all these NGOs failed “to comply with their obligations under the Law, before the General Directorate of Registration and Control of Non-Profit Organizations, since they did not report their Financial Statements according to fiscal periods, with detailed breakdowns of income and expenses, balance verification, details of donations (origin, provenance and final beneficiary) and Boards of Directors.

Those “voluntarily” dissolved

In the same Official Gazette, the Ministry of the Interior makes public Ministerial Agreement No. 31-2024-OSFL, signed by the minister of that portfolio, approving the “voluntary dissolution” of the Studio Danza Ilusiones Association (ASDI); Nicarao Lake Resort Foundation; Salvadoran Nicaraguan Association for Development (SALNICA); Our Lady of Lourdes Sanctuary Foundation (Lourdes Sanctuary Foundation) and Sor María Romero Social Works Association (Sor María Works).

In addition, the Christian Association (Jesus is Alive), and the Villanueva Community Health Brigadistas and Midwives Program Foundation (Brigadistas and Midwives Program) are counted as dissolved.

Related news: Attack against NGOs persists, 100 more canceled by the Government

The Interior agreement argues that the NGOs requested the cancellation of their respective legal entities “for not having funds to cover expenses and follow up on the purpose for which they were created.”

Canceled and confiscated

Likewise, the ordinance issued by the regime establishes that in the case of CETAE, it must deliver to the National Council of Universities all its academic records, lists of graduates and study programs.

“The National Council of Universities (CNU), to guarantee educational continuity, will proceed to relocate the enrolled students,” indicates the Ministerial Agreement.

Finally, the dictatorship orders that, with regard to the destination of movable and immovable property in accordance with the provisions of article 47 paragraph 2 of the Regulation of Law 1115, “it will be up to the Attorney General’s Office to carry out the transfer of these in the name of the State of Nicaragua.

The Ortega-Murillo dictatorship has ordered the closure and confiscation of the assets of more than 3,600 NPOs, most of them accused of alleged non-compliance with the laws that regulate these organizations.

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