At a press conference, Orsi stressed the importance of memory, truth and justice as fundamental pillars.
«The topic that it calls for has different aspects. The first is memory, and that in Uruguay has already been resolved. Today no one doubts and no one stops thinking, every May 20, about what we are talking about,” he stated. He also emphasized the truth component: “If anyone ever doubted, the truth is the truth. “Human rights were violated here, people are still missing here, human rights were violated here in a cruel and unacceptable way.”
Regarding justice, Orsi made his position clear: «Justice imparts the power of the State, and I am not the one to analyze or doubt what the judges determine. If someone doubts or has indications that they did not proceed correctly, they take responsibility for what they say and they will have their reasons.
Furthermore, he assured not to question judicial decisions, regardless of their impact: “I never doubt what justice in my country imparts, regardless of whether or not I like what it determines. In this case, justice has been acting, and of course it has the tools to move forward and correct.”