Citizen Movement He said he was ready for his five senators and five substitutes to also be present on the day of the discussion of the Reform of the Judicial Branch.
Interviewed in Jalisco, the leader of the orange bench, Clemente Castañeda, highlighted the commitment of the legislators to vote against the Judicial Reform, including Daniel Barreda, senator for Campeche, who denounced that there has been pressure from the Morena governor Layda Sansores to change the direction of his vote.
Today, after meeting with magistrates and judges in the Congress of Jalisco, I denounced before journalists the pressure that senators have received from the ruling party in order to try to impose its so-called reform of the judicial branch.
— Clemente Castañeda H (@ClementeCH)
September 7, 2024
Clemente Castañeda considered that requests for leave for substitutes to take possession of the seat is a right that all senators have, which should be granted without problems.
Another of the senators’ contingency plans is to stay overnight in hotels near the Senate of the Republic and travel in advance to the capital from their respective states.
For the Judicial Reform to pass, 86 votes in favor are needed, However, Morena and its allies have 85 seats, one short of achieving a qualified majority.
Currently, there are 43 senators from PAN, PRI, Movimiento Ciudadano and one independent (Manlio Fabio Beltrones) who can stop the Judicial Reform. The contingency plan of the opposition bloc seeks to avoid the absence of legislators in the plenary session and their voting against the federal executive’s project.