Opponent Haydee Castillo seeks support at the EU-CELAC Summit to increase diplomatic pressure against Ortega

Within the framework of the Summit between the European Union and the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC), the opposition group “Space for Dialogue and Confluence between Nicaraguan Actors” reported the participation of its leader, the opposition Haydee Castillo, in working sessions with Latin American and European political leaders in Brussels, Belgium. The objective of their participation is to intensify diplomatic pressure against the government of Daniel Ortega and Rosario Murillo.

In a statement dated July 12, the organization specified that Castillo’s participation “is focused on calling attention to the international community, the Latin American and Caribbean governments and the European Union, to carry out effective actions in favor of the urgent transit to democracy in Nicaragua, the weakening of the bases that still support the Ortega Murillo dictatorship and the release of more than 64 political prisoners.

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«As a Space for Dialogue, we are committed to the accompaniment of the international community, since in the conditions in which Nicaragua finds itself, with the presence of a dictatorship, of a totalitarian and absolutist State, which continues to commit crimes against humanity and which is maintains in power by military force, excessive corruption, impunity and State terrorism, international denunciation and proposals to the Nicaraguan population are required to allow us to recover the path of democracy and freedoms with justice,” he said. the opposition block, which seeks more diplomatic pressure against the regime.

The regional summit between the European Union and the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) brings together European, Latin American and Caribbean leaders to strengthen relations between both regions. These summits are the main forums for dialogue and cooperation between Europe and the States of Latin America and the Caribbean.

The next EU-CELAC meeting of Heads of State and Government will take place in Brussels on July 17 and 18, 2023when Spain holds the rotating Presidency of the Council of the European Union.

Nicaragua has been going through a prolonged social and political crisis since 2018. The various actors and opposition groups have sought to generate diplomatic pressure in international forums to find solutions and promote respect for human rights in the country.

Ortega’s latest repressive actions have focused on expelling more Catholic religious from the country, opening an investigation for money laundering against the Catholic Church, confiscating the assets of more non-governmental organizations, arresting more opposition leaders and increasing the persecution against everything. that citizen who opposes their excesses.

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