The National Police, through the National Directorate of Judicial Investigation and the National Directorate of Police Intelligence in coordination with the Public Ministry and the National Border Service, carry out Operation Hitman, in various sectors of the capital city and the district of Chepo, where they apprehend 9 people requested for crimes against Life and Personal Integrity, in the modality of Homicide and Attempted Homicide.
These are events recorded between the years 2022 and 2023.
These people are located in Juan Díaz, Los Libertadores in Betania, El Chorrillo, Nueva Libia in Alcalde Díaz, Chilibre, Ernesto Córdoba Campos in North Panama, Santa Isabel in Chepo.
The specialized Intelligence and Information police units began raids early on in these places, where presumed illicit substances and cash were seized.
The people apprehended along with the evidence will be placed under the orders of the corresponding authorities.