![Only 6% of citizens believe that government measures to curb inflation are "sufficient" The Minister of Economy and Finance, Azucena Arbeleche, together with the director of the OPP, Isaac Alfie, during an appearance in Parliament in May 2021. Stock Photo](https://www.lr21.com.uy/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/arbeleche.jpg)
The Udelar Citizen Perception Plant presented a study carried out between April 1 and 5 in which a small minority positively described the measures being taken by the government of President Luis Lacalle Pou to curb the strong inflation that has been happening in the last months.
First, 68% said they knew the measures well, while 32% did not know them. Among those who know about such measures, 38% heard of only one of them, 17 of two of them and 13% of three or more.
Then, when asked “what do you think of the measures taken by the government to contain the rise in food prices”, the groups were divided as follows:
- Fully Sufficient: 6%
- Enough: 13%
- Insufficient: 36%
- Totally insufficient: 23%
- Does not know the measures: 15%
- Does not know / Does not answer: 7%
When asked “What is your opinion regarding the scheme proposed by the government to adjust the price of fuel every month”, the people responded by grouping themselves as follows:
- Strongly disagree: 44%
- Disagree: 18%
- Agree: 20%
- Strongly agree: 7%
- Does not know / Does not answer: 11%