One dead and two injured was the balance left by the fall of a minivan type vehicle into an abyss, after the collapse of a hill in the Uchuypampa sector, in the Tambillo district, Huamanga province in Ayacucho.
According to close sources, the accident occurred around 1 in the morning when the unit was traveling to Huamanga. The unit was circulating normally until a sudden fault in the track caused the unit to fall into the abyss, rolling over several times.
According to police sources, Victoria Loayza Dipaz, 52, died as a result of the accident; while the other two occupants were injured.
The residents of the area, together with firefighters and police officers, carried out the rescue work and evacuated the injured to the Ayacucho regional hospital.
Agents from the Carmen Alto police station carry out the procedures to determine the causes of the accident.