One of the most shocking cases links the “Queen of Scopolamine” in Bogotá to the death of Jaime Alberto Gómez, a father whose disappearance on July 12 resulted in the death of this man from an overdose.
News Bogota.
Authorities in Bogotá are on the hunt for the “Queen of Scopolamine.” They have received several complaints about this woman, who drugs her victims with scopolamine, including their pets. Witnesses describe how she operates.
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A dangerous criminal, known as the “Queen of Scopolamine,” has left men in Bogotá penniless and with health problems. According to reports from Noticias Caracol, this woman was caught on security cameras stealing valuables from a residence, after having drugged its occupants, including the house dog.
One of the most shocking cases links this suspect to the death of Jaime Alberto Gómez, a father whose disappearance on July 12 resulted in a tragic discovery later in the Forensic Medicine Department.
Gomez was reportedly the victim of a scopolamine overdose, given to him by the same person who is now under investigation for multiple similar crimes.
“The same clothes and walk”: Witnesses recount
Javier Robayo, one of the victims who managed to survive the attack by the “Queen of Scopolamine”, recounted his anguishing moments before being drugged and robbed of his belongings.
“I really feel bad, with strong migraines and no peace. We were with friends when she arrived and drugged us all, including my dog. I don’t remember much else,” Robayo told Noticias Caracol.
After seeing the report on Noticias Caracol, Robayo identified the criminal and highlighted his recognition of details such as her clothing and her way of walking.
“It is certainly the same person. He doesn’t change his clothes and has a particular way of walking. The fear is great after knowing that a person is dead. Thank God I am alive and I can tell my testimony to alert others.“, he added.
Authorities continue their intensive search for the “Queen of Scopolamine,” who represents a constant danger to the community.
Since the beginning of 2024, there have been 462 reported cases of people being supplied with this dangerous substance, leaving them vulnerable to being robbed.
In Bogotá, a father of three girls died from an overdose of scopolamine. Another victim who was also drugged identified the woman who was responsible for supplying the drug and then stealing their belongings.
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— Caracol News (@NoticiasCaracol) July 18, 2024