On this second day in which Carnival is celebrated in the country, one of the lowest daily contagion figures of the fourth wave is reported. Today in the entire country, only 65 cases were detected.
While the positivity of the tests, for the first time is less than 5 percent, Well, this day 1,350 tests were carried out, of which 1,285 came out negative.
According to the Epidemiological Report, the infections were distributed in five departmentss: Santa Cruz (38); Cochabamba (5); Peace (8); Chuquisaca (6); Potosi (8). While Tarija, Oruro, Beni and Pando had epidemiological silence.
Despite the low number of infections, on this day The country mourns the death of six people due to the coronavirus, cWith this, the lethality of this fourth wave reaches 0.7 percent.
According to the press release from the Ministry of Health and Sports, this Monday through the free COVID-19 hotline, 800 10 1104 285 people who are suspected of carrying the disease are monitored.
The report issued by the National Directorate of Epidemiology of the Ministry of Health and Sports, establishes that the national accumulated number of recovered patients up to this day amounts to 789,710.
Today eight of nine departments reported the recovery of patients: Santa Cruz (366); Cochabamba (198); Peace (376); Chuquisaca (30); Tarija (40); Potosi (146); Beni (85) and Pando (6). Only Oruro did not report patients who recovered from the coronavirus.