“I make a strong call to the Vice Minister of Infrastructure of the Ministry of Education (MEDUCA) to take note of our Ombudsman’s Report of March 1 and those of Sinaproc and UTP Panama, what happened at the CEB La Primavera, where a fan fell off ceiling and caused minor injuries to a high school student with students is worrisome and violates the Right to Life”, said the Ombudsman Eduardo Leblanc González.
The Ombudsman stated that, after the accident, human rights officers from the Veraguas Regional Office went to the campus facilities to find out the details of the incident, where they were informed that Meduca technicians are making repairs or reinforcing the 10 classrooms. that have ceiling fans, to avoid another accident.
Likewise, a group of teachers approached the Ombudsman’s Office, asking for follow-up in the Education Regional, since they are waiting for the commitment of a contractor company, responsible for the installation of the electrical connection, to be able to use the air conditioners that all have the salons.
The National Human Rights Institution (INDH) will be visiting the Regional Directorate of Education to follow up on this case so that students can have access to education rights and their personal integrity.