The National Consumer Price Index – 15 (IPCA-15), which measures the preview of official inflation, had a price increase of 0.69% in June this year. The percentage is higher than that of May (0.59%), but lower than that of June 2021 (0.83%). The survey was released today (24), in Rio de Janeiro, by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE).
As a result, the IPCA-15 accumulates 5.65% in the year and 3.04% in the quarter. The quarterly IPCA-15 is also called the IPCA-E.
In the 12-month period, the IPCA-15 is 12.04%, below the 12.20% accumulated in the May preview.
In the preview of June, all groups of expenses had inflation, especially transport (0.84%) and health and personal care (1.27%). Housing (0.66%) and clothing (1.77%) also stood out.
Health insurance
One of the main factors responsible for inflation in the June preview was the 15.50% readjustment of health plans, authorized by the National Supplementary Health Agency (ANS) on May 26.
Among transportation, the main factors responsible for the increase in prices were items such as diesel oil (2.83%), airline tickets (11.36%) and voluntary vehicle insurance (4.30%). At the same time, there were drops in the prices of ethanol (-4.41%) and gasoline (-0.27%).
In housing, there were increases in water and sewage costs (4.29%) and piped gas (2.04%).
Foodstuffs had a reduction in the rhythm of price increase from May to June, changing from a rate of 1.52% in the preview of May to 0.25% in June. The behavior was influenced by food for consumption at home, which went from an inflation of 1.71% in the previous month to 0.08% in the June preview.
Long-life milk, which had risen 7.99% in the previous preview, recorded 3.45% in June. Price drops were also observed in products such as carrots (-27.52%), tomatoes (-12.76%),