Home South AmericaBrasil Number of people in shelters in RS drops 89% since peak of emergency

Number of people in shelters in RS drops 89% since peak of emergency

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Number of people in shelters in RS drops 89% since peak of emergency

The number of people in shelters in Rio Grande do Sul has fallen by 89% since the peak of the emergency situation in the state, when there were 81,200 people in community spaces. The region, hit by rains and floods, recorded 8,800 homeless people in the latest report by the state Civil Defense, carried out this Tuesday (25).

In a statement, the Ministry of Health reported that, currently, around 200 shelters are still active in 53 municipalities in Rio Grande do Sul. “In cooperation with the state secretariat and municipal managers, actions were coordinated to care for the population in the shelters, provide mental health care and access to medication.”

“In addition, essential guidance is offered to ensure a safe return to homes, including care during cleaning and hygiene, as well as the proper disposal of food”, added the ministry.


The ministry highlighted that it continues to monitor suspected cases of leptospirosis in Rio Grande do Sul and reinforced the importance of seeking medical attention as soon as the first signs of the disease appear. To date, 417 cases of leptospirosis have been recorded in the state since the start of the floods.


The ministry reported having already distributed more than 6,500 doses of vaccine against hepatitis A, 23,000 against human rabies and 134,500 against covid-19, in addition to routine doses.

8 million medical items were also delivered, including insulin, women’s health products, 138 types of high-cost medications classified as strategic, 86,300 ampoules for orotracheal intubation, 600 doses of immunoglobulin, 80,700 tests and laboratory supplies and 1,140 bottles of various serums.

“The ministry also maintains four field hospitals in operation in the state, which have registered more than 18,300 visits, and continues to mobilize volunteers from the National Force to guarantee health care for the affected population,” the note highlights.

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