“I regret the loss of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation, because the self -confidence he has acted is unheard of. The listings of the committees will stay as they are and no insaculation process will be repeated, ”he explained.
The president of the Senate reported that next week the listings will be delivered to the National Electoral Institute (INE).
“We have the responsibility of sending the lists, both that of the Judiciary, of which the Board of Directors did the insaculation process, and those that formed the Evaluation Committees of the Federal Legislative Power and the Executive,” he added.
The plenary of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN) did not reach a qualified majority to approve the list of candidates sent by the Senate.
The list of applicants who underwent the vote of the ministers was the result of the insaculation process carried out by the Senate last Monday.
According to the judicial reform, the Evaluation Committee of the Judiciary had to carry out that top to reduce the number of candidates, send the list to the Plenary of the SCJN and once it was approved by qualified majority, it had to be referred to the Senate no later than February 12.
Given the resignation of the members of the PJF Evaluation Committee, the insaculation was made by the Senate and referred to the Plenary of the Court, which if approved it had to send it to the Senate.
According to article 96 of the Constitution “the powers that do not send (to the Senate) their applications at the end of the term provided for in the call may not do so later.”