The senator for Morena anticipated that in the coming days the agreement will be announced, since work is already underway on the construction of this mechanism to guarantee the participation of those who, after the decision of the CEPJ to suspend their tasks – in compliance with a definitive suspension issued by a federal judge – were left “absolutely defenseless due to the irresponsibility of the Evaluation Committee of that power, by abandoning its task.”
In an interview, Fernández Noroña assured that the Constitution provides that what is not contemplated during the elective process will be resolved by the Political Coordination Board (Jucopo) and the Board of Directors of the Senate, so there will undoubtedly be a mechanism that ensures the participation of all the people who registered so that, if they meet the requirements, they obtain a candidacy.
In the case of applicants who signed up for another Evaluation Committee “they will not have any impact and would be part of the process.”
“We are going to give all of them a solution so that they can participate in the raffle and, if applicable, be candidates.”
According to the senator, what the members of the Judiciary Evaluation Committee did was to “sabotage the electoral process, but the other two committees continue their course and we have a good way out.”
Although he recognized that these members of the CEPJ engaged in conduct that may be punishable, they will not be reported “although they have legal responsibilities, by neglecting their task, especially in this last stage.”
The decision of the Judiciary Evaluation Committee (CEPJ) to suspend its task of selecting candidates will not stop the review of the profiles (in the other committees) or the judicial election: the committees of the Legislative and Executive branches announced their decision to move forward with the process and have the names of the candidates ready within the legal deadline.
Claudia Sheinbaum, president of Mexico, stated that the Judicial Branch of the Federation violated a resolution of the Electoral Tribunal (TEPJF) by complying with the judicial suspension and stopping the selection of candidates, so the protection, she maintained, is not appropriate.