Home South AmericaPeru Non-traditional exports grew 32.9% in March, according to the BCR

Non-traditional exports grew 32.9% in March, according to the BCR

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Non-traditional exports grew 32.9% in March, according to the BCR

The totaled US$ 1,458 million in March, 32.9% higher than the value registered in the same month of 2021, explained by a 23% growth in volume and 8.1% in the average price, according to the Central Reserve Bank (BCR).

In the first quarter of the year, non-traditional exports reached US$ 4,407 million, higher by 25.2% compared to the same period in 2021.

In the third month of the year, there were higher sales of fresh grapes (94.4% compared to the same month of 2021), blueberries (135.1%) and frozen fish fillet (89.6%), among other products. In the first quarter of 2021, the products that were sold the most abroad were fresh grapes, blueberries and zinc products, whose annual growth was 21.5%; 122.7% and 61.4%, respectively.

In the region, Peru registered the second largest increase in non-traditional exports in the accumulated period of 12 months to last March, with a year-on-year expansion rate of 30.1%.

In the last five years, to March 2022, Peru leads the growth of non-traditional exports in the countries of the region, with an average annual expansion rate of 7.2%. This result is explained by the larger shipments of agricultural products (mainly fruits), textiles, chemicals, fishing and iron and steel.


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