Today: February 11, 2025
February 4, 2025
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“No happiness describes”: approved in the unified contest celebrate

Unified Competition: tests start to be distributed on August 3rd

Rio de Janeiro (RJ) 04/02/2025 - Jocélio Oliveira - Approved at CPNU celebrate.  Photo: Jocélio Oliveira/Personal Archive

Rio de Janeiro (RJ) 04/02/2025 – Jocélio Oliveira was approved as an analyst of MCTI. Photo: JOCÉLIO OLIVEIRA/PERSON FILE

Jocélio Oliveira spent the day “in the clouds” after being approved as an analyst in Science and Technology at the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovations (MCTI), by the Unified National Public Competition (CNU). “No happiness describes. I had a very particular route. I was working and was fired just before Contest postponement Because of the floods in Rio Grande do Sul. I did not do anything but study, even the test, ”he says.“No happiness describes”: approved in the unified contest celebrate“No happiness describes”: approved in the unified contest celebrate

This Tuesday (4), the Ministry of Management and Innovation in Public Services (MGI) and the Cesgranrio Foundation disclosed the results Individuals of CNU candidates of 2024.

When he lost his job, the contest, which was plan B, became the main plan. “I was studying as if my life depended on it. Because it became plan A. It was formerly a bet, an effort, but having something. There it became the main goal of the moment. ”

Jocélio, who lives in Recife, said he never thought of making a public tender, among other reasons because the tests are unlikely to go to where he was. He needed to travel to another capital or to Brasilia. “The CNU suddenly brought this new design. It was very cool for both me and others I know, I could talk. Having the closest state, inviting me to be part more closely. ”

He says the priority was for a vacancy that could be exercised in Recife and that he hopes to be in town with his family. With the result in hand, Jocélio eagerly awaits the call. “Now that it has passed, I will activate the Father of Family mode, right? We just want to work to be able to give our lives to ours. So the expectation is that the appointment will occur quickly. ”

Rio de Janeiro (RJ) 04/02/2025 - Eduardo Almeida - Approved at CPNU celebrate.  Photo: Eduardo Almeida/Personal Archive
Rio de Janeiro (RJ) 04/02/2025 - Eduardo Almeida - Approved at CPNU celebrate.  Photo: Eduardo Almeida/Personal Archive

Rio de Janeiro (RJ) 04/02/2025 – Eduardo Almeida was approved in the government management block. Photo: Eduardo Almeida/Personal Archive

For Eduardo Almeida, approval is also a possibility of being close to the family. Graduated in Journalism, born in Arapiraca, Alagoas, he was approved in the Unified National Contest in Block 7 of Government Management and Public Administration. He signed up for six positions and was selected in his first option: IBGE/Technologist in Geographic Information and Statistics/Social Communication.

Almeida lived for 20 years in Maceió until December last year, and today lives in Aracaju because he took office at the Federal University of Sergipe. “The CNU will be the fourth position I will assume. I don’t know yet what my pole will be, but as I am in Aracaju and all my family, my wife and children, stayed in Maceió, I intend to be able to return to Alagoas. CNU is my hope of returning to Alagoas and my house in Maceió to be close to my friends, ”he says.

Library Studies

Rio de Janeiro (RJ) 04/02/2025 - Gabriela Carmo - Approved at CPNU celebrate.  Photo: Gabriela Carmo/Personal Archive
Rio de Janeiro (RJ) 04/02/2025 - Gabriela Carmo - Approved at CPNU celebrate.  Photo: Gabriela Carmo/Personal Archive

Rio de Janeiro (RJ) 04/02/2025 – Gabriela Carmo moved to a place in IBGE. Photo: Gabriela Carmo/Personal Archive

Journalist Gabriela Carmo was approved for a place at the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE). She lives in Goiânia and hopes to get an allocation in Brasilia, so as not to distance themselves much from the family. For her, approval brings safety against a difficult job market, but also the opportunity to serve the population.

“The pandemic period coincided with my formation, and then I saw the communication market very shaken. After a year, I was in a job that I was not feeling very valued, with the low compensation, and that’s when I decided to try to study. There were three years of study, with many disappointments, several reprovedness.

For two and a half years she reconciled work and studies, but in the six months prior to the race, she dedicated herself only to the preparation of the contest, with the support of the family and recognizes that it was a privilege that made a difference. But she believes that the main differential for approval is to develop autonomy for studies and understand which content is most frequent in the tests. And to improve the focus, she studied mainly in libraries and other public spaces.

She approves the format of the race: “I know it was a contest with a lot of controversy, and several people were frustrated, but I believe this is normal, because it was a first edition of a contest with this dimension, right? Enem too. The first editions had errors, hits and we managed to reach a model today that makes sense.

Maternity and Public Service

The preparation of Eveline Lacerda Lima was long. She has been studying for the position of Occupational Auditor since 2014, studying at the times she had, between working hours and care for the house and family. This Tuesday (4), she realized the dream of approval.

“Seeing the result: approved, seeing the classification and everything else really was the realization of a very arduous journey that I traveled for long years. It was a mix of emotions. It goes through our minds all the difficulties, the challenges, especially along with motherhood. It was very awaited, ”he says.

The position, so dreamed, goes, according to Eveline, to change the way he sees work and the country itself. “It is a contest where we live the reality of Brazil, a matter of unemployment, work analogous to slave, child labor, informality. It will be inevitable that the position gives a new perspective of the Brazilian reality. And along with this, it will bring the professional realization of acting directly in society, trying to intervene and improve, right, in my reach and also provide the best quality of life, right, my family and make some dreams come true, ”he says .

Rio de Janeiro (RJ) 04/02/2025 - Eveline Lacerda - Approved at CPNU celebrate.  Photo: Eveline Lacerda/Personal File
Rio de Janeiro (RJ) 04/02/2025 - Eveline Lacerda - Approved at CPNU celebrate.  Photo: Eveline Lacerda/Personal File

Rio de Janeiro (RJ) 04/02/2025 – Eveline Lacerda will be a fiscal auditor of work. Photo: Eveline Lacerda/Personal Archive

Eveline lives in João Pessoa, has a 2 -year -old daughter and is pregnant with the second. She points out that maternity was relevant during the preparation process for the test. “The study day for a public tender, it is already very challenging, right? We try daily to overcome our own limits, right? Of social life, abdicate social life, family life, often from professional life, personal fulfillment. And when this comes along with the motherhood, all this intensifies too much, ”he says.

For Eveline it is important for the public service to consider mothers. She points out, for example, that in the training course notice – necessary in some careers so that the new servers assume their jobs – the rights of pregnant and postpartum women, who may need breastfeeding situations, has not been foreseen and the rights of women’s rights. Even from the postponement of some deadlines.

“I want to emphasize and congratulate all mothers who have been approved in this contest, not only for the position of the Labor Auditor, but for any position. Congratulate the resilience, overcoming their own limits. ”

Public tender

173 lists were released today with the classification by position, of all the thematic blocks of the CNU, available in the candidate areaon the Cesgranrio Foundation website, organizing board of the selection process.

Only candidates from the 8 (medium level) thematic block can now Consult the classification definitive with the final results. For the positions of the higher level blocks (1 to 7), the provisional classification lists of each of them and the call lists for the nine positions training courses were released.

On February 28, it is planned to publish the definitive list of candidates approved in blocks 1 to 7 that do not need training courses and the final list of summoned for enrollment in training courses.

The CNU 2024 is considered the largest public tender ever held in Brazil, so it is called the enem of the contests. The event was held on August 18 last year, simultaneously in 218 cities of all Federation units, upon payment of a single registration fee. The objective was, according to the federal government, to democratize the population’s access to public service vacancies.

In all, there were 2,144,397 registered to dispute 6,640 vacancies of public positions of higher, middle and technical levels for various specialties, in 21 agencies of federal public administration. About 1 million candidates performed the objective and discursive tests.

The remuneration of new federal servants range from R $ 3,741.84 to R $ 22,921.71.

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