The president of the Frigoinca company, Nilo Burga Malca, 55, was found dead on December 24, on Christmas Eve, at the ‘Luz y Luna’ hotel in the district of Magdalena del Mar. The company under his direction was related to complaints and a serious accusation of corruption with officials of the program of the Ministry of Development and Social Inclusion, Qaliwarma.
After this event, his lawyer César Eucástegui, reported that Burga had left a letter in the car before entering the hotel where his death occurredsaid that it had been written by a third person, who according to the Homicide Investigation Division was his wife Elita Farro Medina, but it bore the signature of his sponsor. This medium was able to learn that in the letter that was found in the vehicle, Burga Malca leaves Noemí Alvarado Llanosa former trusted worker at Frigoinca, as the person responsible for having formed the corruption system that involves officials of the social program Qaliwarma which belongs to Midis, and to General Directorate of Environmental Health (DIGESA) of the Minsa.
The aforementioned has already delivered information to the Public Ministry where it would prove Burga’s participation in the delivery of bribes so that they do not report the irregularity of the canned goods that they marketed under the name ‘Don Simón’, which they would have passed off as beef when in It was actually horse meat.
Likewise, Burga, in his letter, distances himself from any implication and affirms that Alvarado, without his knowledge, exchanged some preserves in poor condition for some in good condition when these were discovered by some parents. In addition, he points out that she sabotaged the products they marketed with ‘Don Simón’ in order to benefit the competition.
The link between Burga Malca and Dina Boluarte’s presidential spokesperson, Fredy Hinojosa
The prosecution is investigating Nilo Burga, owner of the “Don Nilo” brand, for allegedly creating a fictitious company called Tierra Inca Food to obtain contracts in the south of the country through the Qali Warma program. According to the investigations, he would have used his influence to modify the contracting bases during the administration of Fredy Hinojosa, current spokesperson for President Dina Boluarte, and thus allow his company to be considered “macro-regional” to ensure the exclusivity of its products with high prices. .
This modification in the regulations, which sought to prioritize purchases from manufacturers in the same macro-region, ended up benefiting only Burga, according to state procurement experts. Originally, Qali Warma sought to decentralize purchasing and encourage local development, but the change undermined these goals. José Luis Telles pointed out that the measure favored manufacturers, with no positive impact on the population or regional economies.