The mayor-elect of the Gregorio Albarracín district, in Tacna, Niel Zavala Meza, revealed that the main works of the burgomaster Freddy Huashualdo Huanacuni are in arbitration or shortly thereafter. He thus assured it in a message addressed to his militants.
“The current management has made a disaster for the municipality, I feel very concerned about the situation in which the municipality is going to hand us over because of its four emblematic works, all four are in arbitration”he stressed last Thursday in an audio sent to his supporters from Lima.
Works with serious problems
He explained that the tracks, streets and avenues are broken due to a work that should have finished on November 17 and is only 60% complete. Regarding Central Park, he said that it is already in arbitration and the contractor company is requesting 3,000,000 soles.
“We have an Ecological Mall that already has three term extensions and is also requesting arbitration. We have the citizen security cameras and the company, which has placed them and has taken them away, is also going to do an arbitration”, assured the future authority.
He asked the militants to calm down
The message was initially sent by Zavala to ask his militants to calm down after the list of 17 people that make up the incoming transfer technical team (ETTE) was known.
He stated that this list is provisional, it is not definitive, since it is impossible for only 11 or 17 people to make the transfer and that to affirm that is to generate alarm.
More people on transfer
He stressed that the conformants are members of the technical teams and that in total there would be between 32 to 50 those responsible for the process of change of command, so there is no room for comments on social networks such as “I suspected it”, “I am surprised” “but what it does”.
“Be more serious, comrades, brothers and sisters, we are going to develop an extended general assembly to see these issues,” he noted.
He added that this Sunday the 20th each base will report these issues to its members and that a statement will also be issued on social networks.