After various interviews, surveys, creation of a manual of variables and visits to prisons, the University of New York through the John Jay College of Criminal Justice (JJC) presented to the authorities of the General Directorate of the Penitentiary System, the preliminary report on the study of the transition from the inquisitorial system to the Accusatory Criminal System.
It was up to Verónica Michel-Luviano, teacher and researcher, to explain the details of the study and announced that the survey was implemented in 16 penitentiary centers, that the sample is representative in terms of the proportion of the population per penitentiary center and finally that they are in the process of analyzing the different indicators of experiences in the criminal process.
The researcher pointed out that the fastest progress is being made in analyzing and having tools to give the authorities to identify which penitentiary centers present problems and which penitentiary centers are above the norm.
Meanwhile, the General Director of the Penitentiary System, Euclides Joel Castillo G., stressed that as preliminary results and by way of illustration, they are quite good, without less than that through our departments, we keep statistics in this regard. He added that any study that helps us to expand what we do, enriches everything for the benefit of those deprived of liberty.
Among the objectives of the project is to learn about the experience of those deprived of liberty with the justice system and the rule of law, to identify if the Accusatory Penal System (APS) has had any impact on the experiences of those deprived of liberty with the system and challenges faced by justice operators.
This study is part of the Agreement of Understanding between the Mingob, the University of New York through the JJC.