The stage for the party New Year’s Eve 2023 of the city of São Paulo began to be assembled this Thursday (22) on Avenida Paulista. Measuring 16 meters (m) wide, 20m deep and 8m high, the structure will host the party with the theme The Moment of Reunionbringing shows from Fafá de Belém with AÍLA and Roberta Carvalho, Padre Fábio de Melo with Ziza Fernandes, the rapper Xamã, Tierry, Leonardo and the Samba School Mancha Verde. Presentations are free.
This is the first year that the party takes place in person, after two years of interruption due to the covid-19 pandemic. The expectation is that 2 million people gather on Avenida Paulista to celebrate the arrival of the new year. The event should move more than R$ 450 million in the city.
The structure will be installed at the end of Paulista, between Haddock Lobo and Bela Cintra streets, and will begin to be dismantled shortly after the shows, still on the 1st. By the 3rd, the entire apparatus will have been removed from the road, ensuring the safe movement of the population of São Paulo.
“After two years without the face-to-face event, the New Year’s Eve da Paulista returns to the calendar of events in the city of São Paulo, bringing a sense of achievement for next year. With the party located in one of the busiest and best known tourist spots in the city, our expectation is to attract tourists and residents to a celebration worthy of the largest city in Latin America”, said the municipal secretary of Tourism, Rodolfo Marinho.
From 5pm to 6pm, Fafá de Belém + Aila + Roberta Carvalho
From 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm, Father Fábio de Mello + Ziza Fernandes
From 8 pm to 9 pm, Shaman
From 9:30 pm to 10:30 pm, Tierry
From 23:00 to 00:10, Leonardo
From 00:45 to 02:00, Mancha Verde