Through a press release, the office of the President Elect Gabriel Boric Font communicated this afternoon the appointment for the Regional Presidential Delegations and Provincial Presidential Delegations who will coordinate the functions of internal government, public security, emergencies and public services in each of the territories.
The main challenge for this team will be to promote the popular mandate to develop the program at the regional level, promoting the decentralization that the government has received and collaborating closely with the regional governors in office.
In addition, each of the delegates has been asked to summon all the political social forces that make up the cabinet and the government team to cooperate for the benefit of the region and its inhabitants.
Regional Presidential Delegation of Arica and Parinacota
Ricardo Sanzana Oteiza
Lawyer, Doctor of Law (c) from the University of the Basque Country. Between 2015 and 2018 he was Provincial Governor of Arica. He has extensive experience in regulatory matters of public-economic order and has worked as a criminal defense attorney providing contracted services to the Public Criminal Defense Office. He is regional president of the Green and Social Regionalist Federation.
Regional Presidential Delegation of Tarapacá
Daniel Quinteros-Rojas
Sociologist and Research Master in Criminology. He is currently a teacher and researcher at the Center for Criminological Studies of the Border of the Arturo Prat University, where he conducts research on topics such as the measurement of the subjective dimension of crime and interethnic conflicts at the neighborhood level. He has consulting experience in international organizations such as UNICEF and in the public sector in projects of the Undersecretary for Crime Prevention and the Judiciary. He is independent.
Antofagasta Regional Presidential Delegation
Karen Behrens Navarrete
Lawyer with experience in the administration of the State in roles such as Legal Advisor of SERNAC of Antofagasta and Director of Control of the Municipality of Sierra Gorda. In addition, she has contributed to legal and administrative matters at the University of Antofagasta as a lawyer for the Internal Comptroller and head of the Supply Department. She has provided advice on matters of social crime prevention at the regional level. She is a member of the Socialist Party.
Atacama Regional Presidential Delegation
Gerardo Tapia
Public administrator with experience in the planning and management of projects in the private sector and in the State. He has served as head of the Department of Administration of Municipal Precincts, Vehicles and Internal Services of the Municipality of Vallenar, and previously in management roles in the Municipality of Combarbalá. Between 2008 and 2016 he worked as an advisor in the Chamber of Deputies. He has experience as a political and territorial leader of the Radical Party.
Coquimbo Regional Presidential Delegation
Ruben Quezada Gaete
Medical surgeon, Regional President of the Medical College. He has experience in the social and health sector. He has worked as a Primary Care physician at CESFAM San Juan de Coquimbo for nine years, serving as Head of Emergency Services between 2014 and 2017. He has experience in the academy as a medical tutor in undergraduate subjects at the Universidad Católica del Norte and coordinates internships. from 2014 to date. He is independent.
Regional Presidential Delegation of Valparaíso
Sofia Gonzalez Cortes
Speech therapist with experience in the evaluation, diagnosis and rehabilitation of children’s language and speech. She has specialized and has been a participant in various school inclusion programs in the region in rural schools, high schools and institutions such as the Community Clinic of La Cruz and the Corporación TEA Unidos Limache. Her training was carried out at the University of Valparaíso and she is a graduate of a Master’s in Initial Education with a mention in didactics. She is a member of the Communist Party.
Metropolitan Regional Presidential Delegation
Constance Martinez Gil
Lawyer from the University of Chile. She has worked mainly in the political and legislative area, standing out as Chief of Staff of Deputy Gonzalo Winter (District 10) and in her work in the presidential command. She also has experience in the public sector in the Legal Division of the Ministry of Education. She is a militant of Social Convergence.
Regional Presidential Delegation of the Liberator General Bernardo O’Higgins
Fabio Lopez Aguilera
Degree in Political and Administrative Sciences and Master’s degree in university teaching. He has served as municipal administrator of the Municipality of Rengo and in different management positions of health establishments such as the O’Higgins Health Service and the Ricardo Valenzuela Sáez Hospital. Previously, he also held administrative positions in the municipalities of Codegua and Coltauco. He is a member of the Party for Democracy
Maule Regional Presidential Delegation
Humberto Aqueveque Diaz
Lawyer and Public Administrator. Candidate for a Master’s in Public Management with diplomas in public policy management and political and social analysis. He has worked in various areas of public service and volunteering, in the housing area and in the Provincial Government of Cauquenes as Chief of Staff between 2014 and 2018. He is a member of the Socialist Party where he has held various leadership positions at the political level. in the region.
Ñuble Regional Presidential Delegation
Claudio Ferrada Alarcon
Lawyer. He has experience in litigation, especially in Family, Labor and Civil courts. He has also worked as a judicial assistant for the local Public Criminal Defense Office of Chillán. He is currently pursuing a Master’s Degree in Economic and Business Criminal Law. He is a member of the Democratic Revolution.
Regional Presidential Delegation of Biobío
Daniela Dresdner Vicencio
Sociologist from the University of Concepción and Master in Social Sciences from the University of Chile. She has worked in research and teaching on issues associated with artisanal fishing, rural and indigenous communities in the region, and social intervention in social housing neighborhoods. She served as chief of staff for deputy Catalina Pérez in the National Congress and as project coordinator at the Fundación Urbanismo Social. She is a member of the Democratic Revolution.
Regional Presidential Delegation of Araucanía
Raul Allard Soto
Lawyer, Master of International Health and Doctor of Law from the Complutense University of Madrid. He has an outstanding career as an academic in different universities and as a legal adviser in public institutions such as the National Council for Culture and the Arts, the ISP and Sename. He is currently a professor of Constitutional Law and Public International Law at the Universidad de la Frontera and a member of the Center for the Study and Promotion of Human Rights of that university. He is independent.
Los Ríos Regional Presidential Delegation
Paola Pena Marin
Lawyer and Professor of History, Geography and Civic Education with experience in public and private institutions in areas of institutional management and project implementation. She has served as Head of the Social and Human Development Division in the Regional Government of Los Ríos, as an advisor in the Municipality of Paillaco and in the Labor Security Institute of the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare. She is a member of the Communist Party.
Los Lagos Regional Presidential Delegation
Giovanna Moreira Almonacid
Public Administrator and Bachelor of Political Sciences with more than ten years of experience, leading teams and initiatives in contexts of vulnerability, social exclusion, poverty and socio-territorial inequality for 4 years as Regional Director of Fundación TECHO-Chile. She has completed diplomas in gender perspective for the planning of cities and territories. She is Regional President of the Liberal Party.
Regional Presidential Delegation of Aysén
Rodrigo Araya Morales
Physician and Regional Counselor of the Aysén Region. He has worked as a family doctor at CESFAM in Coyhaique and since his political career he has headed the Regional Committee for Science, Technology and Innovation to promote scientific and knowledge development from local talent and capabilities. He is a member of the Democratic Revolution.
Magallanes Regional Presidential Delegation
Luz Bermudez Sandoval
Psychologist from the University of Valparaíso with studies in Systemic Psychotherapy. She has worked as an official of the CESFAM Dr. Mateo Bencur of Punta Arenas since 2007 and has experience in social and political leadership from the union of public health workers. She is a militant of Social Convergence.
Appointments in Provincial Presidential Delegations
1. P. Provincial Delegation of Parinacota
Wagner Sanhueza Guzman (PPD)
2. P. Provincial Delegation of Tamarugal
Luz Eliana González Miles (COMMONS)
3. Provincial P. Delegation of El Loa
Miguel Ballesteros Candia (RD)
4. Provincial P. Delegation of Tocopilla
It will be communicated in the next few hours.
5. Provincial P. Delegation of Huasco
Rodrigo Loyola Morenilla (IND)
6. Provincial Delegation of Chañaral
Jorge Fernandez Herrera (PC)
7. P. Provincial Delegation of Limarí
Galo Luna Penna (PC)
8. Provincial Delegation of Choapa
Nataly Carvajal Carvajal (UNIR)
9. Provincial Delegation of Quillota
Jose Orrego Ramirez (RD)
10. Provincial P. Delegation of San Antonio
Caroline Sireau Guajardo (COMMONS)
11. Provincial P. Delegation of San Felipe
Scarlet Valdes Pizarro (PL)
12. Provincial P. Delegation of Los Andes
Cristian Aravena Reyes (PS)
13. Provincial P. Delegation of Petorca
Luis Soto Perez (IND)
14. Provincial P. Delegation of Easter Island
Juliette Hotus Paoa (IND)
15. Provincial P. Delegation of Marga Marga
Fidel Cueto Rosales (CS)
16. P. Provincial Delegation of Cordillera
Marcela Mella Ortiz (UNIR)
17. P. Provincial Delegation of Talagante
Stephanie Duarte Moreno (COMMONS)
18. Provincial Delegation of Melipilla
Sandra Saavedra Lowenberger (PC)
19. Provincial P. Delegation of Chacabuco
Giordano Delpin Pino (RD)
20. Delegation P. Provincial of Maipo
Cristian Troncoso (PS)
21. Provincial P. Delegation of Colchagua
Marta Pizarro Inzunza (FREVS)
22. P. Provincial Delegation of Cardenal Caro
Carlos Cisternas Pavez (PS)
23. P. Provincial Delegation of Curicó
Jose Patricio Correa Sanchez (PR)
24. Provincial Delegation of Linares
Priscila Gonzalez Carrillo (PC)
25. Cauquenes Provincial P. Delegation
Juan Eduardo Reyes Quiroz (IND)
26. Provincial Delegation of Itata
Luis Cisternas Arellano (PL)
27. P. Provincial Delegation of Punilla
Rocio Hizmeri Fernandez (PC)
28. P. Provincial Delegation of Biobío
Sergio Pinilla Pino (CS)
29. Provincial P. Delegation of Arauco
Silvia Prieto Gomez (IND)
30. Malleco Provincial P. Delegation
Leandro Reyes Sanhueza (RD)
31. Provincial Delegation of Ranco
Alejandro Reyes Catalan (PS)
32. Provincial P. Delegation of Osorno
Claudia Pailalef Montiel (PS)
33. Provincial P. Delegation of Chiloé
Mariela Nuñez Avila (RD)
34. Provincial P. Delegation of Palena
Luis Mountain Soto (CS)
35. Provincial P. Delegation of Aysén
Jorge Salfate Aguayo (CS)
36. Provincial P. Delegation of General Carrera
Daniel Fernandez Marquez (COMMONS)
37. Provincial P. Delegation of Captain Prat
Marta Montiel (PPD)
38. P. Provincial Delegation of Ultima Esperanza
Juan Francisco Diaz Bahamonde (PR)
39. Provincial Delegation of Tierra del Fuego
Karim Fierro Brstilo (IND)
40. Provincial P. Delegation of the Chilean Antarctica
Maria Luisa Munoz Manquemilla (IND)