One day after being sworn in, the new members of the National Council for the Rights of Children and Adolescents (Conanda) elected today (15) the councilors who will occupy the presidency and vice-presidency of the body for the next year.
Appointed by the Ministry of Human Rights and Citizenship, the national secretary for the Rights of Children and Adolescents, Ariel de Castro Alves, will chair the council. Alves will be responsible for calling and chairing the body’s meetings; ask for information, positions and the preparation of studies on topics of public interest related to the children and youth segment; homologate the resolutions approved by the collegiate, among other things.
For the vice-presidency, the representative of the Federal Council of Psychology (CFP) was chosen, the psychologist Marina de Pol Poniwas, whose name was indicated by the set of non-governmental organizations that have a seat in Conanda due to their actions in defense of the rights of women. children and teenagers.
“We have been in this fight for a long time, [atuando em prol da] child and adolescent agenda. We are committed to this agenda; the ethical-political commitment of Brazilian psychology, which has a project for society in this country. We will never shy away from assuming our commitments as a science and profession”, said Marina, thanking her for choosing her name, as a representative of the Federal Council of Psychology, to occupy the vice-presidency.
“It is a great honor to be at the head of the national secretariat and, now, also of the National Council for the Rights of Children and Adolescents, of which I was once a member, representing civil society. We know the responsibility we have and the many tasks we will have this year, especially [para realizar] the XII National Conference on the Rights of Children and Adolescents”, declared Ariel de Castro Alves.
Created in October 1991, through the Law No. 8,242the council is the main body of the system for guaranteeing children’s rights established in the Child and Adolescent Statute (ECA). Of the 36 new directors sworn in yesterday, 18 were elected to represent civil society as principals or alternates. The other 18 were nominated by the federal government.
By the end of 2024, the new councilors will be responsible for preparing and supervising compliance with the general norms of the national policy for the care of children’s rights and support state and municipal councils for the Rights of Children and Adolescents and the promotion of public campaigns of interest of the segment. The agency’s executive secretary will be occupied by the technical advisor of the Ministry of Human Rights and Citizenship, Laurenice Alves de Castro.
Public security
During the opening of the strategic planning meeting that Conanda holds today and tomorrow, in BrasĂlia, the representative of the Ministry of Justice and Public Security in the body, Jonata GalvĂŁo, highlighted that the portfolio intends to launch “a new look at the theme of childhood and youth”, collaborating in the improvement and execution of actions carried out by other departments, such as initiatives to eradicate underregistration, child labor and sexual violence.
“This council is extremely important for the Brazilian State and the Ministry of Justice wants to be, in a collaborative way, present in the day-to-day activities of this council. We are already discussing some points that I want to share here, [para tratarmos] including how we are going to be able to approach them”, said Galvão.
“The first of these points concerns institutional violence, especially that which affects black youth. We want to know how the ministry can collaborate with actions to confront the extermination of black youth. Also how the ministry can act to prevent violence within the socio-educational system. The folder also wants to support the Program for the Protection of Children and Adolescents Threatened with Death [PPCAAM]. We want to integrate it into the other protection programs offered by the State and [ajudar na] his interaction with the system of justice and public security”, detailed Galvão.