The federal government should publish, over the coming weeks, a new notice of the Unified National Public Competition (CPNU). The information was released on Wednesday (5), in Brasilia, by the Minister of Management and Innovation in Public Services, Esther Dweck (photo), in an interview with radio stations during the program Good morning, minister, of the Brazil Communication Company – EBC.
“THE [lançamento do] Notice will be in the first quarter. We hope maybe until the end of the first trimester. The test, we would like to repeat in August, but it is not yet known if it will be possible due to the period of the notice. Why would we like to repeat in August? Because, after what unfortunately it happened in Rio Grande do Sul [chuvas intensas em 2024]we made a hydrological map in Brazil and found that August is the month of lower incidence of rainfall, ”explained the minister.
“Our idea is to try to take the test in the second half. At the beginning of the second semester. This is our calendar logic, ”he said.
“Let’s authorize some contests now, but few. We need the final approval of LOA [Lei Orçamentária Anual] To have the exact size of the feature available this year for new contests. Therefore, our schedule is a little delayed compared to what we would like in the face of not approving LOA, ”he said. The forecast is that the vote in the National Congress will take place on March 10.
New Careers
“We are certainly a contest for two new careers that were created,” said Esther. One of them is linked to the defense, justice and security area at the request of the Minister of Defense, José Múcio. “It is a civil ministry, however, without a career of its own,” explained the minister to point out that the proposal is to create transverse careers, which encompasses related themes.
“In the provisional measure that we have sent 750 vacancies proposed. We intend to create another 750, through a bill that we should send soon. Obviously, the contest will not be for 1,500 vacancies, it will be for a smaller number, ”added the minister by mentioning that vacancies for the Ministry of Defense and the Institutional Security Office (GSI). Another possibility would be the Ministry of Justice.
The second career, according to the minister, involves socioeconomic development and topics such as regional, agrarian and economic development. “It is a very wide career that also encompasses a Pull large formations. In the provisional measure that we send for the creation of 750 vacancies, both the previous career and this [englobam] The transformation of positions that are obsolete and that we will no longer use ”.
The minister added that “these two careers will attract many people because they are new careers and have an average intermediate salary from the Federal Government point of view, but quite attractive. We imagine that there will be great demand for these two careers, ”he emphasized. Both careers, according to the minister, are higher level, with a salary equal to that of a technical policy technical analyst.