In order for citizens to be able to beat inflation, the national government will apply in December a new increase on the retirements ANSES (National Administration of Social Security).
Thus, the ANSES will specify the last quarterly increase at retirements, which will also fall on pensioners and other beneficiaries. In that sense, It is expected that the assets of the elderly grow more than 12%.
In this way, retirements will reach their highest income value in 2021, so members of the pension system They will start next year with greater purchasing power, as long as inflation remains within normal parameters or decreases in the coming months.
The exact value that the retirements It will be finalized in the coming days, since the Indec (National Institute of Statistics and Censuses) will release the salary index, a key element to update the assets of thousands of people.
However, retirees and pensioners will not be the only beneficiaries of the ANSES on whom this increase will fall. A new increase will reach those who receive the AUH (Universal Child Allowance), as established a few months ago by ANSES.
Increases in retirements They are governed by the mobility formula, which follows the evolution of wages and pension collection of ANSES.
The ANSES extra bonus
In addition to the increases for retirees, pensioners and beneficiaries of the AUH, the ANSES will deliver an extra bonus of 7 thousand pesos for holders of the universal subsidy for children. This amount would be the reimbursement of 200% withheld monthly by ANSES.
To access this bonus, it is necessary to enter the ANSES page and upload an affidavit that would replace the Universal Assignment Book, which was delivered before the pandemic. With the upload of this document, each holder will have it deposited within sixty business days.