The Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice (CSJ), made up of César Diesel, Víctor Ríos and Antonio Fretes, issued on December 23, the agreement and sentence number 800 by which the unconstitutional action by the Chamber of Paraguayan Fuel Distributors (Cadipap).
With this, after two years, the creation of new service stations in Asunción cannot be completed within 1,000 meters of other similar ones.
Óscar “Nenecho” Rodríguez, mayor of Asunción, told radio station Libre 1200 AM that if the Supreme Court of Justice (CSJ) determined that the creation of gas stations within 1,000 meters of each other was illegal, it would establish the closure of irregular stations. Among them is an emblem of the firm ENEX, which belongs to the Cartes group and which is located in front of the Rigoberto Caballero Polyclinic Hospital and meters from the US Embassy. The interview was broadcast on December 2.
However, the community chief limited himself to saying that he will study with his legal team the scope of the CSJ rulings on service stations and their consequences.
“I immediately ordered all cases in the approval process to be referred to legal counsel for analysis. In the next few hours we will make announcements on the subject. Always on the side of the Asuncenos. ”, She stated.
However, at the close of this edition, it still had not made the aforementioned announcements.
In 2020, Cadipap requested an emergency precautionary measure to freeze the ordinance of the Asunción municipality, which prohibited the creation of new stations. This took place in the constitutional chamber of the Court made up at the time by César Diesel, Antonio Fretes and Gladys Bareiro de Módiga (died in August 2021), during this time, around 30 service stations were created in Asunción.