The Peruvian State faces a serious investment execution crisis, with an average delay of between six and seven years to close a public works, he revealed Nelson Shackformer controller of the Republic.
During his participation in the first mining Thursday of the year, organized by the Institute of Mining Engineers of Peru (IIMP), he warned about the impact of this situation on the country’s economy.
“We open three times more works we close. If we have S/ 48 billion in works, no one should do new works in 6 or 7 years, because there will be no money, ”said Shack.
The ex -contract explained that, on average, the entities of the national, regional and local government take six years and eight months to conclude the execution of projects already approved. This, even if they concentrate all their resources only in the investment portfolio ongoing without undertaking new.
Currently, the works pending execution in the three levels of government total S/ 48,168 million. Of this amount, S/ 4,330 million correspond to the National Government, S/ 4,370 million to the Regional Governments and S/ 39,468 million to the municipalities.
Shack also warned about the uncontrolled growth of new investments, which increase on average three times faster than the works that are completed. “Every year the amount of new investments in execution is much greater than they close, generating the saturation of investments,” he explained.
In addition, he explained that there are currently 215,171 active investments with approval and registered execution modality. Of this figure, 34% is executed by direct administration, with a total budget of S/ 122,737 million. However, Shack pointed out that there was no adequate regulatory framework for this modality, which further complicates the culmination of the works.
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